We have obtained accreditation from Department of Standards Malaysia (DSM) for Management system Certification(17021) and Product Certification(17065) in Mac 2019. By obtaining this accreditation, certificates issued by TCISB are recognise worldwide.
Management system
ISO 9001:2015(Quality Management Certification)
ISO14001:2015(Environmental Management system)
ISO 45001:2018(Occupational Safety and Health)
ISO 37001:2016-Anti Bribery Management system
Malaysian Sustainable Palm Oil(OPMC)
Malaysian Sustainable Palm oil(SCCS)
International Sustainability Carbon Certification.
Italian National Scheme
Program Endorse Forest Certification(PEFC)COC
Food Safety
Hazard Identification and Critical Control Point
FSSC 22000
Good Manufacturing Practice
For more info please email at info@transcert.com.my
call +60139108724